Friday 9 May 2014

P3 Initial Planning

My Animation will be a short film about two thugs beating up and interrogating a guy who has taken the thugs money. For the film idea I got inspiration from Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, the interrogation scene in Reservoir Dogs was what really gave me the ideas for the film and the thug characters in my short film I have based the overall look and a bit of personality from Vincent and Jules from Pulp Fiction and Mr Blonde from Reservoir Dogs.
The Animation type will be Lego Stop Motion Animation because Stop Motion and Lego Stop Motion is something I would really like to do as a career and carry on doing them so I can get better and better. I also have done Lego Stop Motion before I did a 8 minute video for my BTEC Art course in year 11.
The style of the short film will be mostly crime focusing on the two thugs trying to find out where there money has gone. There will also be drama, gore and a bit of suspense in the interrogation part of the film.
The story follows two brothers called The Henderson Brothers but they are better know as Frank and Bruce. Earlier in the plot Frank and Bruce have robbed a bank, they successfully rob the bank but there driver Luke double crosses them and takes the money for himself. Few days later Frank and Bruce find Luke capture him and take him to a building to interrogate and beat up Luke to find out what his done with the money. They beat Luke to a inch of his life before he tells them where it is. He tells them that the money is in personal safe that he has at home but what Frank and Bruce don't know is that Luke's house is being monitored by a few of Luke's friends that work in the police force. Bruce goes to collect the money from the house while Frank stays with Luke. Bruce comes back with the money finding out that half of it is gone they beat up Luke further, while doing this the police from Luke's house arrive outside. Frank and Bruce shoot Luke and get the hell out of the building. It ends with hearing gunshots and yelling outside.

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