Friday 25 April 2014

P2 Story and Storyboard

Rob the Dog will be a clay stop motion animation web series. Each season will have 10 episodes each running for around 10 minutes each episode. Each episode will consist of either Rob annoying and trying to play pranks on his owner Johnny or his friends and or hanging out with his friends while laying on his tree in the back garden.
The storyboard below is the intro for the show. It starts off showing the backyard then zooms into Robs kennel showing the inside of the kennel and what's in it, the camera then starts too follow Rob as he moves out of his kennel and towards his tree that he likes too relax on. As soon as he rests against the tree the title pops and Rob's head pokes out of the middle of the O.
Below is a storyboard for a little prank/joke in the show with Rob taking a dump to annoy Johnny and not flushing it, the scene also shows that Rob acts like a human.

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